
I am Mikhail Steinberg. I take photographs in search for simple harmony of life surrounding me, hence the name of a site.

I equally enjoy taking people's portraits, event photograpy, family photography (which I consider the most important mission of a person with camera) as well as working on my various art photography projects. I would like to think that all of these tasks do not contradict but rather compliment each other. 

Over time I took part in several exhibitions and shows as an art photographer. Some of them are as follows:

2007 “Exhibition of young talent” Detroit Mona - Detroit Museum of New Art,

2011 “Fixxer Best 2” New Space Gallery, Samara, Russia    


2013 Participated in “Volgograd International Art festival”, Volgograd, Russia  www.artsloy.ru

2014 Participated in “INNERVISIONS-2014” Moscow/Saint Petersburg Russia http://planeta.innervisions.ru/

2020 Personal Exhibition "Streets of D" Chernihiv, Ukraine (Sponsored by US Consulate in Ukraine)